As promised, I published the 3rd Version of my How to Make Coin Rings ebook. If you purchased in the past, please let me know and I will send you a pdf copy as a thank you. I may publish this book on Amazon and take down my business website in the near future. We'll see what happens with my other projects, but a business website costs about $35/month. That may not seem like much to some, but when no products are sold, then it's a loss. I added a 100W Fiber Laser to my tool arsenal in late May 2022, and I have lots of new projects in mind....think knife engraving, ring engraving, sword engraving, etc.... but I haven't even fired it up yet due to home improvement and repairs, and car repairs needing done. I'm not kidding when I tout myself as a Renaissance Man. Why? Because I replaced an alternator, tires, brakes, etc in my wife's car; I replaced timing chain, front struts, brakes and rotors on my car; I'm replacing two bathroom floors, tubs, and showers due to shoddy installation when the house was new, etc. ....and I promised my wife no new "fun" projects until I'm done with the kids floor/tub/shower. Not kidding. Though 3D Printing doesn't count ;) My next post will come when I'm done with tiling the kid's bathroom :)
Hey there! We're still around, and working on jewelry ideas and prototypes. COVID-19 struct a blow to our families this year. On January 1st, 2021, Mark's brother died from ALS and COVID-19. Shawn was only 53 years old, but was in poor health due to the destructive nature of ALS. Just like Mark's Brother, many people have succumbed to COVID-19 and are gone way too soon.
If you have purchased my eBook entitled "How to Make Coin Rings For Your Business or Hobby" V1 or V2 in the past, then we have some good news for you. We are going to post a free update that is more than just editorial updates and cover page. This update will include new equipment and procedures, not to mention a new cover page. Stay tuned for the download email message.
Thank you for being a loyal customer of Remarkable-Rings! |
Mark Unger has been called the Renaissance man by his peers for all of his successful pursuits on the job and in his spare time. Among other interests such as 3D printing, CNC milling, woodworking, and electronics, Mark follows the developments in Coin Ring Making. Archives
May 2024